Some users experience disturbances in the video feed from the camera. There are several reasons that can lead to a degraded video stream, from small artefacts to complete freezes. This article helps you to debug the most common problems.
Please read through the following sections thoroughly:
Apple devices
The first step is to check whether your device is in the list of supported devices. Follow this link to check: Recommended Devices
For apple devices, the most stable setting is to use channel 44 in the surface unit settings. You can change the setting here: Surface Unit Settings (Wi-Fi)
If you have an Apple device that is not on the list, it it likely that you will experience artefacts in the video. This is due to a function in iOS that enables communication with other devices close by, which can lead to Wi-Fi issues on older chipsets. In this case, we recommend you to buy a device which is on our list of recommended devices. In some cases, deactivating Bluetooth might help. If the stream gets stable with deactivated Bluetooth, you can be quite certain that this is the main problem. In some cases it might also be enough to deactivate Bluetooth only on your other devices.
Android devices
Also when using Android devices, please check whether your device is in the list of supported devices. Follow this link to check: Recommended Devices
There is a good chance that your device might still work when not on the list, but we have also seen that some devices are too slow to decode the stream. In this case, please try to adjust the bit rate as shown in the following section.
Reduce bitrate
The reason for disturbances could also be that the amount of data from the camera is too big for your device, and the result is that you get artifacts/disturbances in the live feed from the camera.
You may try to reduce the bitrate on the camera settings to see if it helps by following these steps:
Step 1 Go to Settings in your Blueye app. You may use the R1 button on your controller to go directly to settings.
Step 2: Go to the Camera. Reduce the Bitrate and see if it helps. Note: Reducing the Bitrate too much may reduce the quality of the video live feed from the camera. However, since version 1.7, the video which is recorded on the drone is not affected. |
Tether speed
To test the cable for the drone Please access the following link: The values should be between 60 and 80 Mbit/s for a 75 m tether, and above 40 MBit/s for longer tethers.
Surface Unit
Placing of Surface Unit can also have some impact. Try changing the positions of the Surface unit, like placing it in a different height or distance from you. Let the antenna point straight up so that the signals do not tamper. Also, try to keep the free path between the Surface Unit and the tablet/phone. The cover on the iPad can also be bad for wifi. Test with and without.
Also, have a look at the WiFi settings of the surface unit. Changing between 2.4 and 5 GHz might have an impact. You can find the settings here: Surface Unit Settings (Wi-Fi)
Contact support
If you still experience problems, please contact our support team. Please include all relevant information from the debugging described in this article, f. ex. the measured tether speed and the camera settings. The following article describes how to best get help from our support team: Contact Support Team