The Blueye underwater drone is designed for optimal control, which enables users to capture high-quality video footage. The Blueye Pioneer is fitted with 4 different thrusters making it possible to dive in all directions. In addition to the thrusters, the Blueye ROV is designed with several different modes for optimal diving performance.
Boost mode
If you're diving deep, in a strong current, or have the need to reach your point of interest quickly, boost-mode is effective.
To activate boost-mode, press the right button (R2) of the controller. Push and hold the button in to increase the power of the thrusters. Note that the boost can be gradually controlled. Push the button all in to achieve 100%.
NB: Boost mode drains battery power faster than normal mode.
Read more: Basic controls
Precision mode
To do more precise maneuvers, capture still videos, and gain more control of the Blueye underwater drone, you can use settings for decreasing thruster power.
Press the left upper button (L2) of the controller to activate the precision mode and decreasing the power of the thrusters. Note that decreasing power can be gradually controlled.
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Basic controls
Auto-depth and auto-heading
The auto-depth and auto-heading functions can be used to stabilize the drone. The functions improve maneuverability and video capture quality. We recommend to always operate your drone with the auto depth and auto heading turned on.
Auto-depth is used to control and stabilize the drone at your choice of depth.
Turn Auto-depth on by pressing the [A-button] A-button on the controller or the "Auto-depth" icon in the app interface.
Use the up button on the left side of the controller to adjust the auto-depth reference.
Auto-heading is used to control and stabilize the direction of the drone at your choice of direction.
Turn Auto-heading on by pressing the "B" button on the controller or the "Auto-depth" sign in the app interface.
Use the up button on the left side of the controller to adjust the auto-heading reference.
Read more:
Basic controls