The Reach Alpha Two-Axis ROV Gripper is a rotating grabber which combines high-strength linear and rotary actuators. This ROV gripper extends the capability of the Blueye X3 ROV to pull wires and ropes, attach recovery lines or recover objects below the surface.
How to install
The Reach Alpha gripper is compatible with all Guest Ports (GP1, GP2, GP3).
English installation tutorial
Norwegian installation tutorial
How to use
Controller Layout
The controller layout changes when you connect a Reach Alpha gripper to the drone. The left trigger (LT) opens the gripper instead of reducing the drone's speed. The right trigger (RT) closes the gripper instead of increasing the drone's speed. To rotate the gripper, you press and hold the left bumper (LB) and use the left or right trigger buttons (LT) (RT).

- Press and hold the left trigger (LT) to open the gripper
- Press and hold the right trigger (RT) to close the gripper
- Press and hold the left bumper (LB) and left trigger (LT) to rotate the gripper left
- Press and hold the left bumper (LB) and right trigger (RT) to rotate the gripper right
- If you connect an Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 to an iOS device, you can use the P2 and P4 paddle buttons to rotate the gripper
Static Boost and Slow mode
When doing work with the gripper that requires precise maneuvering, a good tip is to use the slow mode of the drone. It is possible to adjust the drone's speed by setting a static slow or boost value. You can increase or decrease the static boost value by holding the left alt (LB) and pressing the directional pad up or down buttons (DU) (DD).

Touch Control
The option to open and close the gripper using touch input is currently not supported but will be added in a future software update.