The Blueye control system can be connected with external positioning system with use of NMEA sentences over UDP. The ROV will automatically listen for UDP packets on ip: and port 10110.
Make sure you have a Blunux version later than 3.2.70. This feature is compatible with all our ROV models.
The benefit of getting the position into the drone is that you will get the position of the drone displayed live in the map inside the app. Additionally, you’ll get the position logged in the dive-log and all your images and videos will be geotagged.
We currently support the following NMEA sentences:
- $GPGLL,6326.494640,N,01025.052873,E,160157,A*29
(GPGLL,Northing,N,Easting,E,Time[hhmmss],A=Valid/V=invalid,*Checksum) - $PBLPLL,160157.149,B01,63° 26' 29.7" N,10° 25' 3.2 E,6326.494640,N,01025.052873,E,*7a
(PBLPLL,Time[hhmmss.sss],Northing,N,Easting,E,Northing,N,Easting,E,*Checksum) - $PSONLLD,153428.66,2105,A,63.4415119,10.41761082,8.366,3.98,3.98,0.00,0.48,,,,*39
(PSONLLD,Time[],BeaconID,Northing,Easting,FOM, ... ,*Checksum)
Blueprint Subsea Seatrac USBL
To get the position from the Pinpoint software you need follow these steps:
- Connect the Windows computer running the SeaTrac PinPoint to the Blueye WiFi network.
- Open Pinpoint, go to settings bottom left settings.
- Go to devices.
- Add NMEA output device.
- Select UDP, broadcast, custom address on port 10110.
- Toggle on the GPGLL sentence, and set all the others to off.
- Hit OK to apply the settings.
- Enable the pinging mode in the top left corner.
- Power on the drone.
- Connect the app.
- Check for NMEA in the Navigation→Status tab.
- Thats it! you should now see the drone on the map.
The NMEA integration has been tested with the following systems:
- BluePrint Subsea Seatrac USBL (GPGLL or PBLPLL).
- Sonardyne Micro Ranger 2 USBL (PSONLLD).
- Kongsberg MicroPap USBL (GPGLL).
Contact us if you need help to configure any other system that supports NMEA with UDP broadcast.